C�ch g? b? MS Office 2007

Khi b?n kh�ng mu?n s? d?ng MS Office 2007 v� mu?n g? b? n�, khi v�o Control Panel nh?ng kh�ng c� c�ch n�o Remove ???c, n� lu�n hi?n ra c�u th�ng b�o: "the language of this installation package is not supported by your system".

?? th�o g? MS Office 2007 trong tr??ng h?p n�y th?c hi?n nh? sau :

B??c 1: G? b? t?t c? c�c g�i c�i ??t Office 2007.

V�o Start -> Run, nh?p "Installer", OK.

V�o View menu, ch?n Details.

V�o View menu->Choose Details..., ch?n Subject, OK.

V�o View menu -> Arrange icon by, ch?n Subject.

Nh?p chu?t ph?i v�o t?ng t?p tin c� ?u�i "msi" thu?c Subject "Microsoft Office Product_Name 2007", ch?n Uninstall.

B??c 2: Ng?ng d?ch v? "Office Source Engine".

V�o Start -> Run, nh?p services.msc, OK. Trong c?a s? Services, t�m v� nh?p chu?t ph?i v�o "Office Source Engine" ch?n Stop.

B??c 3: X�a th? m?c v� t?p tin c�i ??t.

V�o Start -> Run, nh?p %CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared, OK.

T�m v� x�a c�c th? m?c sau: OFFICE12, Source Engine.

V�o Start -> Run, nh?p %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office, OK. X�a th? m?c Office12.

M? My Computer, v�o t?ng ? ??a t�m th? m?c \MSOCache\All Users (n?u kh�ng th?y th? m?c MSOCache, b?n cho hi?n thu?c t�nh ?n c?a t?p tin v� th? m?c: Tools -> Folder Option -> View, ch?n Show hidden files and folders under Hidden files and folders, OK), x�a nh?ng th? m?c c� c?m t? cu?i "0FF1CE)-".

V�o Start -> Run, nh?p %appdata%\microsoft\templates, OK. X�a c�c t?p tin Normal.do? v� Normalemail.dotm.

V�o Start -> Run, nh?p %appdata%\microsoft\document building blocks\Language_ID, OK (n?u b�o l?i, b?n b? qua b??c n�y). Sau ?�, x�a t?p tin "Building blocks.dotx".

V�o Start -> Run, nh?p %temp%, OK, x�a h?t t?p tin.

V�o Start -> nh?p %AllUsersprofile%\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Data, OK, x�a t?p tin "opa12.dat".

B??c 4: X�a ???ng link trong Registry.

V�o Start -> Run, nh?p regedit, OK -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office, x�a m?c "12.0" (l?u �: ?? an to�n, b?n n�n l?u tr? Registry tr??c khi x�a). Kh?i ??ng m�y t�nh l� xong. Ch�c b?n th�nh c�ng.


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